Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Why must this happen to me when I finally have the determination to sleep early from now on? Yes, I've been sleeping at wee hours since... like god knows when and I noticed it's really getting into me as in ugly dark circles, heavy eye bags and worse of all pimples!! *screams* Okay, cut it out.. I'm being a bimbo here.

Anyway, the actual problem here is: I have difficulty in sleeping lately.

I went to bed at 12.30am yesterday and ended up tossing and turning around my bed. The next thing I know, it's already 2.30am. Gosh! To make things worse, I didn't sleep well after struggling to sleep for hours. Nightmares after nightmares... dreams after dreams... sometimes I even feel I'm half-concious. Any help out there for me? This is so not me cause' I'm always known as the "P.I.G" which can doze off the moment I touch my bed. Now why is this so? Hmmmm... I'm thinking.. I'm thinking....I'm thinking.... I'm thinkkkkkkiiiing. Too many things running through my mind I guess.

One thing for sure, it proves that I'm not under depression. :p hehee.. cause Lydia said you tend to sleep alot when you are depressed which I'm not. So, no signs of depression. If not that... then what? sigh sigh~

Let's see what time I'll sleep tonight. The time now is 12.57am... hopefully you don't see me blogging in 2hours time :p

Goodnight Malaysia.. goodnight papi and mummy... goodnight buddies.. goodnight jay jay and jasper... goodnight baby buncit... goodnight to me.... zzz

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