Monday, July 20, 2009

Girlz Day Out 2

Just this month Lin, Lynn and Ren(e) and I have this weekly girly girls day out. It was a Sunday and what is that girls??? IT'S OUR GIRLY GIRLS DAY OUT DAY!! *screams* (adoi.. sungguh the bimbo sekali). Initially I'm supposed to have pool session with Ai Zek but just an hour before I got ffk-ed by him... ffk-ed by him you know.. sobs sobs. Anyway, here's a sneak preview of our girly girls day out yesterday. =)

Chillin' kat PinkBerry cekik air batu but mine special a lil' pasal ada ice krim. hee.

Pas tu, our camwhore session began... Hahaha

Posing for Levi's Strauss Jeans.. Sexy Lin punya butt.

How the three of us can be in the picture?? Nah, we don't need help from others... These two girls here is fully equiped with their personal camera and TRIPOD. Fuyoh~

stay tune for more pictures... only available in FB not here cause' I dah malas wanna edit balik.

p/s: Ren(e) couldn't make it for our girly girls day out cause he was busy that day.


Sarah said...

OMG...i dunno how to pose and it sux...hahahhaha...mcm tumpangan in da picture..hahaha

Adel said...

where got! u bukan main pose pose lagi eh.. lagi pandai than us wei.. hahahaha