Friday, July 17, 2009


Sigh~ budak-budak zaman ni, betul crazy belaka. Kononlah 22 umur tahunnya, still act so childish all the time :p Kalau mak orang Nyonya, pasti kena maki... dah tinggi macam kacang panjang but still act like small kid, cam' mane nak cari husband ni...

macam kena culture shock je
tengoklah budak-budak nakal ni... siap make me as their "Barbie", dah lah kena cucuk la.. picit la.. and so on.

Tu tu... dua budak ni. Nak kena ajae ni.. tsk tsk tsk. Always kacau me and Ren(e) only.. pompuan kat the right tu go high and crazy when minum Nutrigen; pompuan kat left tu pulak ketawe ketawe non stop even with or without Nutrigen. adui~ This lah my kawan kawan sewel.. Hahahaha! But kalau nak keluer ramay ramay, sure we must happy happy kan kan Sherlin?


sherlin^tan said...

ok i have to agree wit goin out ramai the way mak i org nyonya so i nih childish ker...mak i tak pangil kacang panjang tapi besaor macam badak...does dat makes even gempak....pergh.....laughin is wat i do best as long im not like sarah on nutrigen high as if kena on alcohol.......v jes love to picit...our trademark lene,gesel gesel if u noe wat i mean.

Alex said...

what with the BM!! lol. funny post none the less.

Sarah said...

hahahah...omg,we're so nyonya till speaking pun bm..lolx...weii,our faces damn innocent k,ok alone innocent..wakaka..nutrigen sedappppp...*gulp gulp *burrrpppp...u guaii!!!minum nutrigen for digestion,not alchohol

Adel said...

Sherlin - tak best la.. sarah not into our gesel gesel. :p

Alex- Hahaha... just something random. Dunno why I ended up blogging in BM.

Sarah- eh eh.. kononlah ur face innocent.. buat innocent je.. but that day mengarut banyak cause u are HIGH~ Hahahaha!