Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Best Friend

crystal, neddie, lydia, mich, lene, kat, linpo and alex

crystal, sue may, neddie, kat-ie, mich, hana, lydia, adelene, linpo and zul

The friends that I will always remember and appreciate :)

At time like this, the best thing to do is to cherish every second you have with your friends and your loved ones before everyone's go apart from each other. Remember to spend quality time with each other and all these little little time spent together will be gathered as memories that follow us until the end of our day. What's the best feeling in the world? The answer is to love and being loved. I love you my friends... :)

p/s: I'm pretty sure Lydia and I will not be apart that soon since both of us need each other for pool. Hahaha.. :p Even if both of us ended up working in KL, we'll make sure we make time for pool or maybe.... get a pool table for ourselves :p

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