Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lydia's and Kat's Birthday

Ola people! I'm back =) at my aunt's house currently, keeping myself away from my brother. Kekekeke. Anyway, we have two birthdays this month; Kat's and Lydia's. Let's start with the recent one, Kat's 21st birthday bash @ A Famosa.

The girls camwhoring session
Yes people, I chop my hair. Don't bring up this issue again!!

before i break down like this =(

The Hidden Chivas

This is random~ The last time seeing me in long hair. I miss my long hair. sobs.

Back to kat's party... see what's there in the pool?

A close up - yeaps.. cans of beer.
AHA! and there's our lovely birthday boy. =)
Girls @ the kitchen

guys on bed~ so gay. Hahhaa.

Bottles of alcohols.

Darryl, Linpo and Alex enjoying their food.

Look at darryl's expression! Hahahaa.
Next, Lydia's 21st birthday.

Lydia cutting her cake.

The girls.. oopps.. i forgot about kat. Well, he considers himself as my part of us when he's with us. hehehee.
Mua and birthday girl.

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