Ola people! I'm back =) at my aunt's house currently, keeping myself away from my brother. Kekekeke. Anyway, we have two birthdays this month; Kat's and Lydia's. Let's start with the recent one, Kat's 21st birthday bash @ A Famosa.

Ola people! I'm back =) at my aunt's house currently, keeping myself away from my brother. Kekekeke. Anyway, we have two birthdays this month; Kat's and Lydia's. Let's start with the recent one, Kat's 21st birthday bash @ A Famosa.
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
This will be the last post that I write in my room because I'M MOVING TO MY AUNT'S HOUSE for a MONTH. Yess yess! the next time you see me blog will be in my aunt's house already. This is due to the fact that my brother is home with chicken pox in maybe.. errr.. an hour time. So to prevent me from getting chicken pox, I decided to leave. Aiks! mum's rushing me to move now.. bro will be back anytime soon! chao!!!
Posted by
Monday, November 17, 2008
My bro is coming back today! yeah! weee!!! =D
My bro is coming back today because HE HAS CHICKEN POX!!! =(
Please please please... I do not want to get infected by chicken pox. I have lotsa things to do. I have quizzes, I have assignments, I have Kat's birthday bash this weekend that I do not want to miss, and I have FYP!!! Of all time why this time?! Arghhhhhh!!!
I'm sorry that I sound so mean. I know I'm suppose to take care of my bro instead of whining over getting infected by chicken pox. Sigh~ If I happened to be absent for a loooooooooooooooong time, you know what that means. I got myself chicken pox! sob sob~
What's worse my bro is going to sleep in his room which is my study room. I can't leave without my study rooom!!! My pc is there, my documents is there, I need to do my FYP! gosh gosh gosh... panic* and I shall sort the best solution for both parties if I can.
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Monday, November 17, 2008
I came across Chia Yi's blog, saw this video clip and decided to share with you all too. Check out this dumbass trying his new style to campus. I do think that it's pretty cool to do crazy stuff like this once awhile, but there's a price to pay to do crazy stunt like this. New style to stylo crash! Hahahaha!
Quote of the day by him:
" Kereta penuh... ", " atas bonet atas bonet! hahaha "
and his infamous
" New style la wei, new style! "
Posted by
Monday, November 17, 2008
This probably not new to most of my friends anymore, but here are some facts about me:
#1 : My Name.
My friends hardly call me Adelene or Lene anymore. Most of the time, they call me Lehneh; and yes that is one of my nicknames and eventually became my second name. It's so catchy until I myself believes Lehneh is my name. Why do I say so? Right after the moment that I ignore people that calls me "adelene!" or "lene!". That's right, I never look back whenever my friends called my name because I thought it was meant to be someone else. Only when they got fed up and yelled " Lehneh!!! ", I'll turn around to see who's calling me. You see, I do not respond to my name anymore. Lehneh is my new name.
#2 : I am not a Banana.
If you do notice my chatbox, my friend Sherlin was surprised to know that I am not a Banana (a chinese that doesnt know how to speak, read or write in mandarin). Nothing to be surprise of because firstly I'm pretty sure that I do not have the "cina" look, therefore many people assume that I'm english educated. Well, yes partially due to my english speaking family background and no because I was in chinese school during my primary years. Secondly, it is mainly because of my name "Adelene". Many people presume that people with christian names are bananas which is untrue. Thirdly, it is due to the fact that I hardly speaks mandarin in campus. Not to say I do not want to speak in mandarin, it is just that my circle of friends are english educated, and I hardly bump into my chinese educated friends. Hence, many people do not know that I can read and write in mandarin. Well, it is a good thing. At least I am able to fool many people.. including my mandarin class lecturer..*cough cough*.
#3 : I am not a christian.
Just like what I've mentioned in fact #2, many people assume people with christian names are Christians. Come on people, parents nowadays like to name their child with christian names to sound more glamourous and cool. Instead of "Li Yen" which sounds so "cina", my parents name me "Adelene" which sounds more soothing. =) The fact is I do miss people calling me Li Yen alot, but I can't think of any friends who still calls me by my chinese name. Valerie used to call me Li Yen, just recently since I entered MMU she started to call me "Lene". Anyway, back to what I'm saying... take note that people with christian name does not mean that he/she is a christian okay? =)
#4 : Lansi Look.
This is the most interesting one which I found out from my friend recently. As a matter of fact, I seriously do not know that I have this "lansi" (action, arrogant) look. Hahaha. Lydia used to say that I have this cheerful look because I smile and laugh so often. Well, maybe at certain times especially when my mood is down my face potray this "lansi" look. Well, you guys better check it out and tell me about it ya. Hah! no wonder I'm not approachable to many people la~ Now I know why... must start to show budak baik look already. Hahahaha.. =p
So far these are the few updates on me, and I shall update it as soon as I discover anything new about me. Lol! toodles~ nights.
p/s: it's 10 minutes to 5am... yes!! 5am! and I have class tomorrow afternoon.. argh~ off to bed.
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Monday, November 17, 2008
人生是否那么的复杂?就在前两天,我以对任何人失去了希望,失去了信任。过了那件事,我不能再放心的把我的心事或私人的秘密说给别人。不关他是我好友或是我最信任的朋友,我已学了把所有的事都收在我心里。或许您的好友不是故意的但这总会带来失望又其是当他是你最信任的人。真的很烦!还能信他吗?是不是之间有什么误会?但我想了好久也还是不能再找什么道理来认定这是一个误会。失望的感觉是很难受的。也在这,我也知道自己的过错因为我知道我也是个不守信用的人。在此对我的朋友说声对不起,我会改邪归正的。事情总算还没严重,但我真的不想为了那件事而影响到我的好友。最重要是希望我与他的友谊不会为了这次被影响到。嗨~ 过了这次,真的难以让我再相信别人了除了文佩。佩佩阿!快点会来!好了,别说了,就希望事情就再此结束。至所有不会华语的朋有们,真对不起因为我不想让寞些人知道。如明白我所写的,就别翻译个那些不明白的。哈哈!就让他们扒头慢慢采巴!=)
Posted by
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Posted by
Monday, November 10, 2008
If your lover betrayed you, how will you react?
○ It depends how severe his betrayal is.
If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
○ May my life filled with joy and happiness and no problems, no worries, just happy every single day.
Whose butt would you like to kick?
○ hmmm.. no one.
What would you do with a billion dollars?
○ Spend some, donate some, give parents some, save some and the rest will go to investment to generate more cash!! $$$$
Would you fall in love with your best friend?
○ Why not? nothing is impossible.
Which do you think is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
○ both but if I have to pick only one, probably being loved by someone.
How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
No idea. Until he accepts me? or perhaps until the feelings fade..
If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
○ Just be happy for him and wish them all the best even if I still like him alot, the rest it depends on myself whether I'm able to let him go or not.
If you were to act with someone, who would it be?
Any Hollywood star. lol.
Would you invite your Ex bf/gf to your wedding?
○ Yeap sure. =) If he doesnt mind.
How would you see yourself in ten years time?
○ hmmm, I probably be 31 in ten years time.. so, I see myself having a happy family with a steady career that I like and enjoying every single day of my life.
What's your greatest fear?
○ fear of myself, someone and someone.
What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
○ Haha, she's a bubbly girl who cares for her friends alot and loves her bf alot. =)
Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
○ Single and rich!! Hahahahaa... maybe like Samantha in Sex in the City. LOL. (sorry lydia, I know u want to be samantha too.. haha)
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
○ Check my phone for time and messages and then back to sleep. hehe
Would you give all in a relationship?
○ I will if I really love that person.
If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
○ I won't pick any of them, not until I am sure about my feelings and who I really like.
Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
○ It depends how severe it is.
Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
○ Tough question. Probably prefer to be single for some time before I engage into a new relationship.
List 5 people to tag
- Michelle
- Eo
- Alex
- Sherlin
- Sarahlynn
Posted by
Monday, November 10, 2008
It's funny that just a few minutes ago, I was trying to log into MMLS to check out for new updates on my industrial training and I noticed that I actually forgot the URL for it. OMG! I've tried :
http://www.mmls.edu.my/ ( hmmm.. page error )
so I tried this instead
http://www.mmlsmmu.edu.my/ ( looks weird though... page error )
and then I tried this too
mmls.edu.my ( this time without the "www", so the bong right! it's the same )
and after thinking sooooo hard.. having the urge to find the link to MMLS through MMU website.. I remembered!
http://www.mmlsmelaka.mmu.edu.my/ ( correct! damn gong la )
Sorry for not logging in MMLS for nearly 5 months. LOL!
Posted by
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Ola! I'm back! =D Sorry for the absent as my precious little pc just crashed! In addition that I do not want my dad to know that my pc crash ( because he will put all blames on me ), therefore my precious is still laying motionless in my room.
Anyway, a note to my friends that I won't be able to on MSN for the time being, not until my precious get wind up. At the meantime, the only way to contact me is through calls, sms and ym ( okay, do not ask me why I can use ym but not msn, it's just my old junk ( pc ) giving me all these weird settings ).
Now, previous week was like a roller coaster to me. Me coping with my mood swing, at one hour I'm skipping around happily; another hour staring at blank walls trying to fall asleep. I reckoned my pms is coming real soon.. hahahaha!
Oh ya, I've been working for GAMEX on last Fri till Sunday too. Overall the event is okay although not up to my expectation.. I wouldn't say it sucks badly because they did draw crowds just that its the wrong crowd they draw. Instead of anime and games fanatics, most of them who came are just shoppers. Futhermore, it's disappointing that less than 10 contestant were in for the cosplay competition. Compared to GACC 08, it's a whole different level. While working I do get feedbacks from my MMU friends, some came all the way from KL just to snap pictures on this event and sadly most of them went home disappointed. Anyway, still a great effort for the organizing committee as this is their first time organizing Anime and Games event which they hardly know about animes.. so applause to them. =D
Another thing I found out through this working experience is that, I actually feel more comfortable standing for 10hours in heels!! I wore a flat sport shoes on the first day and my leg hurts badly, so I decided to wear something higher so I used another shoes which has a higher platform.. not too bad... and on the last day, I decided to use my heels instead. Results? No pain at all! In conclusion, I'm more comfortable in heels than shoes.. how weird! Hahahaha.
Well well, no pictures this time and one week away from class. Wee~ I shall enjoy this week to the max! Although I have the big "F" to worry about.. yea yea... I'm talking about FYP here. Sherlin ajak-ed me to Water World tomorrow but don't want la... I don't want to get any darker.. thanks for the invitation!! =D Till then, stay tune for the next episode. Muahahahahaha! (oh gosh, adelene's getting hyper again)
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Tuesday, November 04, 2008