Yesterday was Malacca Historical Day, therefore we the IB students organized a trip to Perlabuhan Peluas and picnic at Pantai Kundur! It's been a long time since the last time I picnic with my friends.. this time i went with my besties classmate. Wee. People as semangat as us, woke up early just to prepare food for our picnic. Frankly speaking, we weren't that excited about the port visit, we were more excited about the picnic! :P

Us preparing the food.

We have sandwiches, mihun goreng, nuggets, sausages, and lotsa snacks.

Being a typical jakun Malaccans, it is a MUST to go to Cold Storage on their opening day.

Well, we reached Port Peluas around 2pm... didn't stop by that long because it is just a small port.. so it took ur about half an hour to tour the entire port. Well, not much pictures about it.. I dun think anyone of us actually interested in it :P

Finally, our main reason to go for this trip... PICNIC!!

Mich after being dumped into the sea by US. LOL

The food that we prepared..

surprisingly we prepared more than enough, the leftover breads became their dinner last night.

We even got a beach ball!! Lin Pin trying to blow the ball but in vain.. However, an expert blower like mich saved the day! HAHAHAHA.. js jkg. Inside joke.

Basically, ONLY Mich, Hana, Kat and I got wet.. the rest were just laying around so potong steam~ Waste their effort for bringing extra clothes.. ish.

This is the way to get a free foot spa

group picture us eating ice cream.

The Poser

Ze IB Gang.

Us doing the jumping stun. I failed coz I landed earlier.. cis

Our 2nd attempt... PASS! Lydia looked extremely tall here. Hahahaa

We also help out some fisherman to push their boat to shore and lydia slipped during the process.. poor lydia.

Hana came out with the idea of playing toilet paper rolling game.. Basically the person who finished toilet papered their partner wins the challenge.

Posing with ze mummies..

Lin Pin toilet papered Kat.. Hahaa, Kat can't see a thing.

Lydia doing her pose while i toilet papered her..

This is where the poses that we learned in dance helps.. see how good sue may posed! gracefulnya~

Ze incomplete mummies. No no.. They looked more like patients from tanjung rambutan being tied up. LOL

Crystal and Sunshine

LOL she looks as though she broke her neck or something. Hahaa..

That's my mummy!

Guess who? Kat!

Lydia and Mich ( Jane )

Someone commented that Kat looks like a dance pole in this picture. Hahaha..

awww.. lovely couple

Ned and Lin Pin

Lydia and Kat

Lin Pin and I

Charlie's Angel.. wait.. Mich said it supposed to be Alim's Angel.

Ze Alim's Angel

Crazy people, Crazy poses!
~The End~
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