Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009

I tried to call Daeren to warn him about the ZOMBIES *screams*, but I couldn't find my hp cause I dropped my bag while trying to ranaway just now and my hp is in the bag. So we quickly ran towards MMU field, but the field doesnt look anything like our ACTUAL MMU field. This MMU field is like a hill, have to panjat bukit one you know! Haiyo.. we managed to climb and cross the field and finally reached Law Library. Oh ya, the Law Library doesnt look like Law Library also, instead it looks like a secondary school classroom with wooden table and blackboard. How funny.
Anyway all of us quickly take a seat in the classroom cause we saw the ZOMBIES *screams* coming towards us and we have no way to run anymore but to surrender. Oh ya, I met my secondary school best friend, Pam and Dhars in the classroom too... how odd. Hahahaa. It didnt took long for the ZOMBIES *screams* to come into the class... we were trapped we were trapped thinking that we are gonna DIEEEEEE!!!! The funniest part is the ZOMBIES *screams* actually made a deal with us. Guess what?

Just as I thought things are getting better, the nightmare just began. My job is actually worst!!!! They had this table with 4-5 posters on it and each of us is required to choose one posters and does the job the photo depicts. They have posters of being a refereee la.. jaga score la and so on... but the worst poster was handed to me by a ZOMBIE *screams*... something like this poster below but worst cause the one I saw in the dream is cover with blood and lots of blood....ewwwwww...
Back to the story... looking at the poster, I'm positive the job that was assigned to me.. which is to prosecute and kill those losers. Scary wei!! I tried to negotiate with the ZOMBIE *screams* so that I can take the other poster but the ZOMBIE *screams* insist that I should take this instead. I almost died knowing that I have to kill my friends later... can't imagine can't imagine. Luck was on my side though, the moment the ZOMBIE *screams* looked away, I quickly change the poster and ran towards my friend at the very end. After that........
I woke up.
That's one hell of a scary nightmare especially the part where I was given the job to punish and kill the loser. I told this story to a few of my friends and guess what? They actually find it really funny and amusing! WTH!!! It IS A GHOST STORY ok!!! Sherlin even thinks that this is the funniest dream in the century... omg... ishh.. but come to think about it, it is kinda funny also exclude the fact that I'm actually is in the scene. Hahahhaa... Lydia said it doesnt make sense cause first off, Lydia doesn't wears a ring. Secondly, since when MMU has a freaking escalator!! Thirdly.... ZOMBIES *screams* play football??!!! Hahahahahaaa... no comment. I wonder which zombies actually play football..... hmmm...hmmm..
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Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Girlz Day Out 2
Just this month Lin, Lynn and Ren(e) and I have this weekly girly girls day out. It was a Sunday and what is that girls??? IT'S OUR GIRLY GIRLS DAY OUT DAY!! *screams* (adoi.. sungguh the bimbo sekali). Initially I'm supposed to have pool session with Ai Zek but just an hour before I got ffk-ed by him... ffk-ed by him you know.. sobs sobs. Anyway, here's a sneak preview of our girly girls day out yesterday. =)
Pas tu, our camwhore session began... Hahaha

p/s: Ren(e) couldn't make it for our girly girls day out cause he was busy that day.
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Monday, July 20, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Sigh~ budak-budak zaman ni, betul crazy belaka. Kononlah 22 umur tahunnya, still act so childish all the time :p Kalau mak orang Nyonya, pasti kena maki... dah tinggi macam kacang panjang but still act like small kid, cam' mane nak cari husband ni...

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Friday, July 17, 2009
My 22nd

I would like to thank everyone for their wishes although there were some late wishes such as... ahem *cough* *cough* Alex Lim who claimed that he was waiting for Facebook to notify him my birthday. Hahaha. Thanks Alex (Loh) for the birthday video you posted in FB. Thanks Val and Daeren for the dinner and presents. Here's one special gift I received from Lydia... awesome gift! Just as I wanted for my birthday. It's none other than a miniature pool set! *Jumps happily*
Super duper cool right?! You can actually play it you know... err.. yea.. a lil. Hahaha... Awesome awesome! Now it's nicely displayed on my shelf and I play it once awhile when I'm bored :p I'm such a pool freak. Hehee.
People said that once you pass the age of 20, you tend to age faster as in every year passes faster than usual. I may be 22 years of age... some claimed that I'm being old, but I'm forever young at heart always seeking for new adventure and thrills... always being awesome and fabulous... always being... (alah.. dah la tu... tak habis habis only this post). Alright, I'm signing out. ;)
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Friday, July 17, 2009
The End of Suffering.... Perhaps?
It's 2.31am now and guess what? I'm feeling...... sleepy~ *OvErJoyED!!* That means I can sleep well tonight. =) Finally, like finally after 5 miserable nights, this marks the end of my suffering.
Goodnight everyone... <3
Adelene's going to bed.
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Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
This Marks the Fifth Night~
NOT AGAIN!!! Remember my previous post where I talked about me having difficulties in sleeping lately? It's still happening to me until today! Oh yea, on the day I wrote my previous post, it took me THREE hours before I could finally sleep. What's worse, since the day I have this sleeping problem, I have dreams every single night; tell me about it. Sigh~
As for today, knowing that I'll have difficulties in sleeping again, I decided to crash in bed early. How early? 8.30pm. Hahaha. Guess what? Tada! I'm here at 3am... after 6hours on my bed tossing and turning with all sorts of thoughts running through my head over and over again. What's gotten into me? I never had a problem especially in sleeping. I used to sleep the moment my head touches my fluffy pillow, why now? Gosh! this has to stop!
Eric said I'm in depression just because we talked about Lydia's theory of being depressed if you tend to sleep alot, which I beg to differ. I just hope tonight passes quickly so that I can start a brand new routine in a new day. Thinking of ways to sleep now... solution solution solution.. should I just opt for sleeping pills? Don't worry, I will not overdosed myself :p Maybe I should just go for antidepressants drugs huh since Eric insists that I'm depressed. Hahaha.
Okay okay, enough of jokes here. I'm serious now... I'm seriously in pain... not literally in pain.. as in I can't freaking sleep!! =( Just wish I'm happier these days, so that I can just laugh myself to bed. You tend to sleep more when you are happy right right right? Now I need to get a chill pill.. oh no no... a happy pill I would say. I NEED A HAPPY PILL.
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Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Why must this happen to me when I finally have the determination to sleep early from now on? Yes, I've been sleeping at wee hours since... like god knows when and I noticed it's really getting into me as in ugly dark circles, heavy eye bags and worse of all pimples!! *screams* Okay, cut it out.. I'm being a bimbo here.
Anyway, the actual problem here is: I have difficulty in sleeping lately.
I went to bed at 12.30am yesterday and ended up tossing and turning around my bed. The next thing I know, it's already 2.30am. Gosh! To make things worse, I didn't sleep well after struggling to sleep for hours. Nightmares after nightmares... dreams after dreams... sometimes I even feel I'm half-concious. Any help out there for me? This is so not me cause' I'm always known as the "P.I.G" which can doze off the moment I touch my bed. Now why is this so? Hmmmm... I'm thinking.. I'm thinking....I'm thinking.... I'm thinkkkkkkiiiing. Too many things running through my mind I guess.
One thing for sure, it proves that I'm not under depression. :p hehee.. cause Lydia said you tend to sleep alot when you are depressed which I'm not. So, no signs of depression. If not that... then what? sigh sigh~
Let's see what time I'll sleep tonight. The time now is 12.57am... hopefully you don't see me blogging in 2hours time :p
Goodnight Malaysia.. goodnight papi and mummy... goodnight buddies.. goodnight jay jay and jasper... goodnight baby buncit... goodnight to me.... zzz
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Tuesday, July 14, 2009