Hey peeps! Been really busy during these two weeks, non stop housework since the day I threw my books and notes aside. Here's a quick recap on the stuff my mum and I did during these two weeks; kemas rumah, painted the entire house, bought new furniture, prepared for bro's wedding, shopped for new year clothes, masak, and so on. Right until today, I'm still doing some preparation for tomorrow's celebration. Oh yea, I even did my last minute shopping for CNY clothes today, how cool~
Rants aside, the good news is my brothers are back!! =D which means family tradition starts today, gambling session. The downside of it, I lost in gambling today. =( Izzit a bad sign or what? Anyway, this year's celebration isn't that grand compared to previous years. Is it because I am getting older, hence lost the mood for CNY? or is it because the lack of CNY atmosphere around Melaka this year? I think I'll prefer to choose the later.
No pictures on CNY eve reunion dinner. Too busy preparing it until I forgot to take pictures of it. Oh well~ I'll make sure I take some gorgeous pictures tomorrow and will post it in the next entry, but FYI, the next post will probably in few days time since I'll be super buzy winning money. Hahahaha! Til then, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! =D
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year
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Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Lately, Adelene is obsessed with her new found hobbies; Karaoke and Pool; something which she finds it very wrong and indecent in yesteryears. Back then, karaoke wasn't in trend, at least not in the small town of Melaka. As for pool, she always perceived it as the hang out place of hooligans. Can't really blame her for her narrow mindset because in movies and dramas, a pool bar/center is a place where gangsters gather around, smoking their cigga, shooting balls or either get their balls whacked by the end of the day. In cantonese dramas, karaoke lounge represent the place where big bosses and businessman hang out, singing their lungs out, drinking like there's no tomorrow and of cause... ahem.. hugging and kissing prostitutes. Believe me, that's how it was projected in most cantonese movies. So, don't blame me for thinking that these places such as pool center, karaoke lounge and clubs are the Forbidden Cities (Yip, 2007). <---- People who did their FYP1 will understand what this mean. lol!
Anyway, back to business. Just last year during my internship period, I made my first step into a pool center and karaoke lounge. I didn't really tell my parents that I went to these places as I am very sure they think the same way as I am, indecent and filthy place to go. As at today, I lost counts on the number of times I have stepped into these places. Better still, I started to have this obsession for karaoke and pool session. Even so, my pool still isn't good enough to play with the guys but helo, at least I can hit the ball from one end to another end. *self praise* I am yet to go for my karaoke therapy this holiday, everyone has been busy, wait no.. I was busy last week so no hanging out for me. This week, it's my friend's turn to get busy and I am still counting the time to wait for the rest for my karaoke therapy! wee! So that's it, just wanted to share about my little obsession I had lately. =D Anyone care for a game or two?
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
*SPLAT* I got tagged by Azra. Here goes...
Remove 1 question from below and add in a personal question, make it a total of 20 questions. Then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. If you could spend one Ringgit in 5 minutes, what would you spend on?
Hmmm.. spend on 5 packets of 20cents junk food. =D
2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
3. What kind of news do you read?
Bah, I don't read news. Sad right.
4. What would u do if u were to die tomorrow?
Doing things that I never done before.
5. Is there someone in your heart right now?
Family and friends.
6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
It's not realistic in this era. No money no talk.
7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
My family and friends and my pet dog.
8. What do you feel like doing right now?
Go out for a jog.
9. If there’s someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?
It depends.
10. List 5 things that u like in a guy/girl.
- Matured - Respectful - Tolerant - Have set his mind for future - talented (this is a bonus)
11. What are the requirements that you not wish from your other half?
- Braggy - impatient - not gentleman - not tolerant - have no aim in their life
12. What do you think is your purpose in life?
- In terms of career I'm still unsure about it, but I do know my purpose in life is to live happily and make sure I make use of my time wisely.
13. Do you feel like killing someone at the moment?
- Not at a moment.
14. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Butter mushroom. lol
15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
- Happy, although I wish I could be richer. lol. But like that say, it doesnt mean u are happy when u are rich. Besides, when u are rich u'll have many problems to worry so better be average and happy.
16. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
- Woow.. alot. I think it will be my lack of confidents in doing everything.
17. Who is the person that you can share all your problems with?
- Hmm.. I don't tell all my problems to a specific person. But I have a few friends that I'll share my secrets and problems like Valerie, Lydia, Alex, Chun Hwee and Daeren.
18. Name one love song that you have in mind and why?
- Not in the season of love song, so nah.. ntg in my mind now.
19. What is the one thing you love about yourself?
- Im a really patient person. =) The only thing I love about myself.
20. What is bothering you right now?
- Right now.. hmmm.. nothing. If it was yesterday, then it sure be the disagreement I had with my dad. But I'm all cool now. =)
So I'm done. I shall tagged....
1. Sarahlynn
2. Alex loh ( he doesnt do tags, but whatever la. lol)
3. Sherlin
That's all.. I'm tagging these three people first. Others feel free to do it.
p/s: oooo~ I smell durian... I'm getting fatter n fatter during this season *rush for durian*
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Sunday, January 18, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Muar Trip
Why hello there, fellow readers. This is Lydia, guest blogging for Adelene as she is too occupied with... practically nothing at all, actually. Well, besides painting the house, that is.
I know that you all are eager to read what Adelene has got to write, instead of me. So, I'm not going to write that much as I don't really know what to write either. I'm not exactly a professional blogger who can come up with impressive phrases and statements, you see. Therefore, there are gonna be more pictures than words in this post (just the way you guys like it. heh).
So anyway, I was being assigned the task to blog about our post-final exam celebration trip to Muar for a food frenzy, last weekend. The finals were crappy, to say the least. Studies can really be a pain in the ass at times, can't it? Nonetheless, it did not crush our spirits as we were all jolly and excited to get over with finals and get our asses in the car for our Muar road trip. Needless to say, the trip did not disappoint - at all. We came back, with a smile on our faces and of course, a few more pounds in our bellies. Otak-otak, o-chien, pork satay, intestine satay, siham satay. All good! good! good!
As the cliché saying goes - Picture paints a thousand words. So, I shall just let the pictures do the talking. Enjoy, people.
So, there you go. I assume that you guys can see how much fun we (and our stomachs) had. Heh. Awesome trip, and am definitely looking forward to another food road trip like this again.
Well, I'm off to do something more beneficial now. Can't believe I've wasted at least a couple of hours on this (including playing Geo Challenge and chatting in between, of course. I managed to beat you in Geo Challenge, Adelene! Hah!). My books are calling out for me. So, I hope you all enjoyed the pictures and stay tuned for more updates on our upcoming food road trip. Hint: It's coming soon. Real soon.
Till then, have a great 3-weeks "long" holiday, MMUians. As for the non-MMUians, have a nice day. =)
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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
End of Sem 2.
Yipeeeeeeeee!! final's over! *hops hops hops* *throws confetti*
Okay.. chill chill.. It's not actually over yet. I still have one last paper to go... Chinese.. DANG!! Hahaha... Anyway, it's still a celebration to me. Done with finals.. CNY ahead. Yesssss.. hahaha! How's my International Econs paper? Come'on finals over, let's not talk about it yea. lol. I'm dead sleepy now. Slept merely 3hours just now, and my next paper will starts at 2.30pm, so can't sleep. =(
Anyway, later night me and my friends are going to Muar for food hunting! yoohoo~ happy happy joy joy. =D Before that before that, I have another news. I just got a new dog!! ooops.. did I mentioned it before in my previous post? Wait a minute people, this one is another new dog. Haha. Alright basically my dad gave away Rover (the black puppy) because he doesnt like it, (pity Rover, I can't even have the chance to bid goodbye. =( ) but my parents came back with a new dog! Oh yessss... a new one. Friends, meet Chester. =D

Jay Jay, Chester, Angel and Missy

Awww.. that's my little Chester. His full name will be Chester Snowball Bear.Hahaha.. Before we named him Chester, my dad continued calling him Rover. So I told my dad it's better to give a new name since the name Rover will reminds me of the old Rover; and I'm actually pretty sad that my dad gave him away although he's a rascle. Anyway, we came up with different kinds of names. Initially we wanted to call him Bear Bear coz he looks like a bear. Seriously, he looks like a Polar Bear. Hence, we called him "Bear Bear.. Bear Bear~", but the moment we say the word bear bear, Jay Jay straight away ran to the back, to the refridgerator to take one of the bears sticked on the fridge. Oh gosh.. he actually remembered that that's his bear because when Jay Jay was young, he used to have LOTS of bears. He's a bright kid, isn't he.
Due to this factor, we change to another name and came up with Chester! Reminds me of Chester Bennigton of Linkin Park. Doesnt matter! Hahaha, as long we don't call him Mike Shinoda. LOL. Chester has another nickname too just like Jay Jay. For your information, Jay Jay has a few nicknames such as Jay Boy, Alo, Boy. As for Chester, we call him Pig, Bear, Babi coz he looks like a bear and eats and sleeps like a pig! Hahaha. Besides, he is white in colour... so round.. so fat like snowball. Therefore his full name is Chester Snowball Bear. You know.. Like those Orang Putih with their first name and last name. Lol. Oh yea.. sometimes we even call him "Ah Zhu~" So cina.. Hahaha. So that's some little introduction of my new baby now =D
Before I step down, a big shout out to Azra who just turn.. *ahem* okok, I shall keep your age confidential from now on. Hehehe..

The birthday cake I made for her... Hope you like it. Maaf ya Azra, a little too simple coz of time constraint. =D
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Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Let me whine! Just let me whine! What can I whine about during exam week? Of course about my Organization Development paper today. Hard? I wouldnt say it's really hard. Easy? I shall not say a thing about this, it's a cursed. So, this is how the examination process went. Sat down, wrote all my particulars and then start to read the questions.
Hmmm.. Let's see. Choose 3questions out of 4. ok!
Question 1: hmm okay, quite simple. I can do this. *tick*
Question 2: ooo.. the 5 active and 5 passive types of resistance. Easy. Wait! 2 approached in managing resistance??? oh shit.. I only remember one. 10marks for this part? oh god.. okok KIV.
Proceed to Question 3..
Question 3: 3 roles of consultant? but I only remember 2. Nvm nvm. What is the theory behind diagnosis model? errrrr... *thinks thinks*. Explain the components in this mode, okaaaaaay.
Question 4: alrite.. I can do this question too.
What now? Which questions to choose? I'm taking 1 and 4... I need one more... 2 or 3.. 2 or 3...
So, In the end I did all 4 questions and until the very minute before the clock struck 11pm (end of exam), I'm still deciding which question to forgo. 2 or 3... 2 or 3.. 2 or 3.....
Question 2: I can do everything except on one more approach in managing resistance. 5marks! (2.5% gone)
Question 3: I don't remember one of the role of consultant so minus 2marks (1%), I don't know how to explain the theory minus 2marks (1%)... but I'm not too sure whether I wrote correctly for the components. Hmmm...
So which one to forgo? which one which one?? Arghhhhh! At the very end, I cancelled question 2 which I REGRETTED! Screw it! I should've chosen question 2 despite losing 2.5% instead of risking in question 3 for loosing more marks! damn damn damn. Also after the paper, my friend told me that my role of consultant is wrong.. wth.. but I remembered it very clearly in my notes. So many uncertainties in this question.. oh gosh! I should have play safe and stick with question 2!!!!!! Dang! what's pass is past, no point crying over spilled milk. Now you know why I'm so angry at myself now. It's either an A or B+. Please please please give me an A. sobs.
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Thursday, January 08, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Hello people! It's been a busy week for me as my first paper begins tomorrow. Disaster! It is pretty different this semester than the past few. Why? Because I seem not to care much about my finals, no stress, no tension, no fear; everything is going slow and steady. Wonder if this is a good sign or not. Anyway, as my mind wanders every now and then, I suddenly thought of selling handmade cards here! =D So... yeah, I probably will post up a few of my handmade cards after my finals and if anyone is interested; you can just drop me a comment for any inquiries. For those who wants customization, do drop me a comment too and I'll try my best to fulfill your needs. =D Afterall, making cards is my pass time hobby, so stay tune.
Alright, back to studies... but maybe I should nap a little while before I start my engine. =p Hehee. All the best peeps!
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Monday, January 05, 2009
My New Member
Baby Rover Baby Rover acts like a sadist because he bullies Jay Jay

hmm yea.. he's not actually cute.. but he will.. he will turn to a swan.. ahem.. one day. Haha.
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Monday, January 05, 2009
Read This if You Are A Girl Who's Dying to Lose Weight. (But don't get offended, I warn you)
If you noticed I rarely talked about issues in my blog because I hardly care about anything that revolves around me, which is bad. But that doesn't mean I don't know what is really going on around the world. Anyway, the issue I am going to discuss today is weight issue. I know I have wrote about this before quite some time ago, but recently my friend came and complained to me about his gf being lazy to exercise and getting fatter. Then, I realized how bfs always pressure their gfs in maintaining their slim and toned body.
The answer I got from him was "I tell her that because I love her, so that she will look nice.". Quite true, can't deny but I am very sure the MAIN reason is because YOU GUYS WANT A DAMN HOT GF who has body like Jessica Alba! Ain't that your dream girl guys?? ADMIT IT!!!!! Not to say it is wrong to demand for a pretty and hot gf, even we girls are attracted to tall, buff and muscular (not that muscular) guys. The difference here is at least we don't complained 24/7 that our bf is fat, has belly and force them to exercise or keep on whining about their body and looks. On the contrary, guys do that so often that sometimes we girls wanna scream to their ears that "WE COULDNT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!!!" but always ended up with a "smile". We may smile to you, laugh along when you guys comment about our body, but seriously every bit of your words pierced through our heart. Same thing here, my friend's gf may smile and joke around or shoot him back whenever he comments about her fats, but I'm sure somehow his words do make her sad.
I wanna make this clear, I am not here to debate about who is right and who is wrong. We have the rights to comment about each other, some said we need to take critics to improve ourselves - very true. Hence, what I want to say here to the ladies is since your guy wants you to look good, then look good for them. No harm slimming down a little to make your guy happy, besides I bet the one who gain the most will be you yourself.
First: Great body = Bf happy = you happy
Second: Great body = you look greater = you happy
Third: Great body = bf/you get compliments = both happy
Fourth: Great body = healthy body = less sickness = you happy
Fifth: Great body = you get more admirers = bf insecure = treats you better!
See! No harm loosing some weights or toning your body to make your bf and most important you yourself to be happy. So, I told my friend that maybe he can pull his gf along for exercise, maybe go for a jog, swim, badminton, tennis, anything! Also to the ladies, please la~ If you wanna slim down and if your bf insist you to join him for sports, just go, don't give lotsa reasons such as you don't know how to play and stuff, and don't give me ridiculous answers like "lazy la~ very hot la~ get dark la~". One thing I don't believe is loosing weight by eating less ONLY, in another word dieting. Why want to diet when we are blessed with good food in Malaysia? Eating less here means eating less of fatty, oily food but girls nowadays go on strict diet and eat a bloody bowl of salad and apple for the whole day. How ridiculous! Eating less also doesnt mean you have to entirely stop eating fatty and oily food, but just cut down on the portion. We really do not want to live a life where you can only eat tasteless food right? Come on people, Malaysia has nice cuisine; malay, chinese, indian, western food, anything you name it. Plus, why don't we enjoy food now since we HAVE to really cut down on all these nice food when we touched the age of 30?
I'm sorry, I don't plan to say eating healthy now is bad. Just that I can't afford to see girls misintepret the word dieting where they actually eat so little and eventually lead to aneroxic. The best solution to slim down is to eat less oily food and EXERCISE! Yes! exercise. Even if you are a food lover like me and doesnt want to go on a diet or cut down on fatty food, then the more you have to exercise to burn all these extra fats. Dieting alone will give you a slimmer body but a healthy body? I don't think so because you are just eating less and not absorbing any nutrition into your body, so what's the point of getting a slim body but feeling weak all the time?
Come on, we all want to have great body right? It is just the mind that is playing around, making us lazy and giving many excuses. Fight against it! Some of you may say that you do not really mind about how you look and if your bf doesn't like you the way you are then screw him right? True.. guys like this can be dump.. Hahaha.. but still keeping a healthy lifestyle isnt bad too. I know some of my friends who still look chubby but very healthy inside because she exercises very often. To skinny girls, don't think that you do not need to watch what you eat and not exercise because thin people can get high blood pressure too.
Now don't compare yourself with genetically skinny girls when it comes to body size okay? Don't be jealous that they get to eat as much as they want and still stay so skinny. They themselves have their dilemmas too when it comes to gaining weight. To the guys, too fat and too skinny aren't appealing to them. The difference here is it is soooooooo much easier for girls to shed their fats than a skinny girl who tries to gain weight despite eating like an elephant! So feel for them y'all.. feel for them. I was once a skinny girl who eats like crazy just to gain weight because I look like a freaking skeleton walking around and I know how hard is it to gain weight for skinny girls compare to girls who want to loose weights. One thing, if you wanna lose weight, better lose now when you are young because it will get tougher and tougher to shed all those fats as you age unless you work out 4hours per day like Madonna.
So that's about it. I hope I don't offend anyone here. I'm sorry if I do but I really don't mean it, I just want to tell you that we can't really blame bfs for complaining about our body (maybe they go overboard sometimes which annoys the hell outta me!), they just want us to look good and be proud of us. =) Obviously we ourselves wanna look SIZZLING HAAAAAWWWWWWWTTTT too right?!! LOL! Alright alright, this is getting further and I think I should sign off. Peace y'all. Before that, Happy New Year to everyone and for MMU students, all the best for your finals.
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Monday, January 05, 2009